Top tips for reducing legal fees in your family law matter

Family law proceedings can become very stressful. It is natural to be concerned about legal fees. However, your family law fees do not necessarily have to skyrocket. We have provided our top 10 tips on ways in which you can help to keep your legal fees reasonable!...
20 December, 2021

Self managed super funds – buying property

Since 2007, self-managed super funds (SMSF) have been permitted to borrow money to invest in all types of real property including residential property, commercial property and industrial property. Prior to 2007, SMSFs could purchase property but were not permitted to...
20 December, 2021

What happens when a person dies insolvent?

Insolvency in estate matters occurs when the deceased person’s estate is unable to meet its debts when they become payable and the estate assets are insufficient to meet its liabilities. These estates are administered differently to solvent estates, particularly where...
2 November, 2021

The role and responsibilities of a trustee in South Australia

A trust is a vehicle through which property is legally held by a trustee for the benefit of others. It separates the beneficial and legal ownership of property. The parties to a trust are the settlor (person creating the trust), the trustee (the legal owner of trust...
2 November, 2021

Obtaining interim orders in the Family Courts

Separated couples who are unable to resolve matters regarding parenting and finances through mutual agreement can apply for interim orders in the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court of Australia. Interim orders are “temporary orders” and usually made as a matter of...
2 November, 2021