Subpoenas and family law court proceedings

Subpoenas play a very important role in discovering evidence and information in family law matters, especially when the other party is not complying with requests for information. There is a lot of work involved in applying for, filing, and serving a subpoena, which...
12 October, 2022

The duty of disclosure and family law property proceedings

The division of assets after a couple has separated can be finalised by way of financial agreement, consent orders or proceedings in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) requires parties to make genuine efforts to resolve...
12 July, 2022

Avoid nasty taxation surprises in family law settlements

There can be significant differences in the taxation consequences of certain family law related orders or settlements and deciding who keeps what. Unique opportunities in the family law environment can enable a couple to lawfully restructure their business and...
9 May, 2022

Divorce, de factos and superannuation splitting

Once a married or deface couple separates, their superannuation (Super) is treated as property of the marriage or relationship under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (FLA) and the value of the couples’ Super benefits will be taken into account when determining a property...
24 March, 2022