Social media and family law – Just don’t do it!

Social media – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and the like – can be a lot of fun and have become an accepted part of modern life.  Many of us use such forms of electronic communication to share the exciting, as well as the banal events in our...
23 September, 2021

Elder Abuse

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is 15 June each year. This annual event acknowledges the prevalence of elder abuse, educates communities and individuals to recognise the signs of abuse, and encourages loved ones victims and others to speak up and to seek support and...
23 September, 2021

Was it a loan or a gift? – Big difference!

Housing affordability is a big issue for young Australians. When discussing that issue once, a former Prime Minister infamously remarked that the solution was for parents to “shell out” to help their children buy a home. For those lucky enough to have parents able to...
16 August, 2021

Marriage, divorce and your Will – What you need to know

About half of all Australians do not have a valid Will. Of those who do, many put their Will away in the bottom drawer of their filing cabinet and never think of it again. But making a Will is not a once in a lifetime task. Rather, it’s something that needs to be...
16 August, 2021