You have made the decision. You are going to enter into a retirement village. The nice people at the Village have given you an agreement to look at together with a bundle of other documents. The documents suggest getting them reviewed by your solicitor. Should you...
Many of us are guilty of not carefully reading the clauses in our superannuation fund deed and other documents and are just content to let our employer make fortnightly contributions and hope that we have enough money put away to retire on if the time ever arrives....
Since 2007, self-managed super funds (SMSF) have been permitted to borrow money to invest in all types of real property including residential property, commercial property and industrial property. Prior to 2007, SMSFs could purchase property but were not permitted to...
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is 15 June each year. This annual event acknowledges the prevalence of elder abuse, educates communities and individuals to recognise the signs of abuse, and encourages loved ones victims and others to speak up and to seek support and...
A retirement village is a community-style residential development offering accommodation, facilities and services to people from retirement age onwards. There are many types of arrangements which should be carefully explored before making your move to...