Your Estate Planning Documents
We are now settled into our new offices at Level 2 / 60 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide. If you have not visited us yet at our new offices, feel free to come and check them out. While you are here, you might want to consider a review of your estate planning documents...
Inheritances and “Problem” Beneficiaries
We often meet with clients concerned about leaving an inheritance to a “problem” beneficiary. Common examples include an alcoholic, a drug addict, a compulsive gambler or spendthrift, a bankrupt beneficiary, a beneficiary going through a matrimonial break up...
Sperm Donation and Parentage – The High Court to Decide
The High Court of Australia has been called upon to hear an appeal regarding the legal parentage of a child “B” born as a result of an artificial insemination procedure. In this case the donor “X” is a person known to the donee mother. The donor’s name appeared on...
Powers of Attorney: All the same…right?
Powers of Attorney are a type of agency arrangement whereby a principal appoints an attorney or attorneys to manage their financial affairs. Powers of Attorney created in South Australia are governed by the Powers of Attorney & Agency Act 1984. A general Power...
A Short Word on the Importance of Digital Estate Planning
Recently, Gerald Cotton, CEO of Quadriga CX (Canada’s largest crypto currency exchange), died, age 30, taking with him the company’s “digital wallets” and their password to his grave; wiping out an estimated almost $283 million worth of crypto currency forever. A...
Family Businesses: Keeping it Together
Managed to get through the Christmas period? For many, that means enjoying (or for others surviving) time with family away from work. But what about if you are in a family business and the divide between work and family is blurred or sometimes non-existent? The...
How the Buy Sell Agreement Works
You may have heard of the concept of a business succession or "buy/ sell" that deals with the exit of a business proprietor in the event of an event such as death or disablement. Here is how it works based on a case study and solution. Want to know more?- Call Donlan...
Succession and Estate Planning: Your New Years Resolution
Christmas is a good time of the year to reflect upon family succession and estate planning. A family discussion about proposed succession of the family business can often help to clarify intentions and assist in reaching consensus about expectations and plans moving...
Business Succession Plans And Shareholders Agreements
Business succession planning involves simply that- planning for transition of the ownership or management of a business at the appropriate time. This is not always at the death of a proprietor, as most people would like to retire from business before that! Business...
Estate Planning for every Generation
Gen Z , Gen X & Baby Boomers- Proper Planning has something for everyone Whether you are Generation Z, a baby boomer or anywhere in between - Estate Planning and documenting arrangements is equally as important at any age. Let’s put this into perspective… Gen Z...