Power of Attorney and Superannuation death benefits
In South Australia, a Power of Attorney (POA) grants someone the authority to make decisions on your behalf regarding financial and legal matters while you are alive. It can come into affect immediately or it can be deferred in its operation to a later time or trigger...
Family Trust vs. Testamentary Trust: Understanding the Differences
Trusts are powerful tools in estate planning, allowing individuals to safeguard assets and control their distribution even after their death. Among the various types of trusts, two common structures are family trusts and testamentary trusts. While both serve similar...
Family law and the family home – your options after separating
If you have separated from your spouse or de facto partner, deciding what to do about the family home can raise a whirlwind of emotions. Many memories are attached to the family home – good and maybe bad – and while some may want to hold onto the home and all the...
Business Structures: Sole Trader
When commencing a business venture, it is necessary to consider the most appropriate type of business structure to put in place. Different business structures have different benefits and disadvantages. This article looks at the sole trader business structure - how to...
Understanding drag along/tag along rights in shareholder agreements
A shareholder agreement is a private contract between the shareholders of a private company and the company itself, and between each of the shareholders of the company to each other. The agreement governs the shareholders’ respective rights, responsibilities,...
Do you know when to update your Will?
Most people are aware that a valid will determines how their assets are dealt with after they are gone. Wills generally provide for the appointment of a trusted executor or executors and for gifts to chosen beneficiaries. They may also appoint testamentary guardians...
Business Structures – Trusts
When commencing a business venture, it is necessary to consider the most appropriate type of business structure to put in place. Different business structures have different benefits and disadvantages. This article looks at trusts - how to establish a trust and the...
Obligations and consequences of parenting orders
A separating couple with minor children will need to work out the parenting arrangements for those children - where the children are to live, who they spend time with, and who may make decisions about the children. If the couple can agree, their agreement can be...
Starting a business – an overview of common business structures
There are 4 main types of business structures for doing business in Australia, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. A person can carry on business as a sole trader, partnership, trust and company. Some businesses operate as a combination of these. There...
Common Family Law Fallacies
If you’re in the unfortunate situation of going through a relationship break-up you have probably heard all sorts of ‘advice’ from well-meaning friends and family. Family and friends are a great source of emotional and physical support when you have separated, however...