
Succession planning for business owners

As a business owner, you deal with many responsibilities, including having to decide what to do with your business when you move on. Sometimes the logical endgame for a business is to be wound up, but in most cases, the aim is a smooth transition to new ownership....

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Subpoenas and family law court proceedings

Subpoenas play a very important role in discovering evidence and information in family law matters, especially when the other party is not complying with requests for information. There is a lot of work involved in applying for, filing, and serving a subpoena, which...

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Essential considerations when starting a business

Starting a business can be exciting, but also overwhelming and challenging if you have not properly prepared for your new venture! This guide will take you through some essential considerations of starting a business. Business plan Business plans are vital if you want...

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When is a guarantee unenforceable?

A guarantee is a binding promise from one person (the guarantor), to be answerable for the debt or obligations of another (the debtor or borrower), if that other person defaults. Guarantees become enforceable against the guarantor by the person to whom the guarantee...

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The duty of disclosure and family law property proceedings

The division of assets after a couple has separated can be finalised by way of financial agreement, consent orders or proceedings in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) requires parties to make genuine efforts to resolve...

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FAQ on Estate Planning

While many people are unlikely to nominate estate planning aka “Thinking about what will happen to my assets when I die” as being on their “most wanted things to do” list, in reality, this is something that should be on all of our “must do” lists. Proactively planning...

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