Divorce, de factos and superannuation splitting

Once a married or deface couple separates, their superannuation (Super) is treated as property of the marriage or relationship under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (FLA) and the value of the couples’ Super benefits will be taken into account when determining a property...
24 March, 2022

Parenting arrangements following separation

Following a separation parents do not necessarily have to go to court regarding the care arrangements for their children. As a matter of principle our clients are encouraged to try to reach an agreement if possible without the need to resort to the Family Law...
7 February, 2022

Top tips for reducing legal fees in your family law matter

Family law proceedings can become very stressful. It is natural to be concerned about legal fees. However, your family law fees do not necessarily have to skyrocket. We have provided our top 10 tips on ways in which you can help to keep your legal fees reasonable!...
20 December, 2021

Obtaining interim orders in the Family Courts

Separated couples who are unable to resolve matters regarding parenting and finances through mutual agreement can apply for interim orders in the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court of Australia. Interim orders are “temporary orders” and usually made as a matter of...
2 November, 2021